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Behind Closed Doors

Written by
Mary Harpring

Directed by
Mary Harpring & Ben Hartong

March 14 & 15, 2025

Final Doors poster (med).jpg

Film students from both Anderson and Turpin high schools collaborate once again on this original thriller, written by Turpin senior Mary Harping and scored by Turpin senior Joshua Yamaguchi. Behind Closed Doors is set in the home of an odd family with a mysterious something—or someone—hiding in their basement. Following in the footsteps of 2023’s NATAS-award-winning film The Whisper House, Behind Closed Doors is a mystery thriller set in the house of an odd family. There is something, or someone, hidden in their basement...

The original score for the film will be performed live by members of the AHS Symphony Orchestra on both Friday and Saturday nights. Each evening will also include selected short films from the Anderson and Turpin Studio Film classes. Don’t miss this celebration of groundbreaking student film, right here in our neighborhood.

This film is recommended for audience members age 13 and up, due to depictions of violence.

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