Drama Club is a place where students come together to have fun, make new friends, and celebrate their passion for Performing Arts. Through a welcoming atmosphere, informative meetings, and fun activities, Drama Club allows students to meet new people, try new things, and explore new skills. Yearly trips create opportunities for Drama Club members to learn from professionals within the performing arts industry and explore colleges in surrounding communities. Fundraisers and other community outreach events bring theatre to our wider community. At Drama Club, we hang out together, explore the Arts, and learn from each other!

Drama club News.
Next Meeting: The next Drama Club Meeting is Thursday, September 14, in the Black Box right after school! Come meet new friends and find out more about what Drama Club has in store for you this year!
Drama Club Instagram
Get news and updates by following us on Instagram: @andersondramaclub. DM us and we’ll give you a Groupme link for Club updates.